Successful Riders in 2011

Congratulations tothe WPDA Sanctioned Show award
winners from Coventry:
Mandy Collier & Charlie Brown Reserve Training Level Adult
Amateur 69.04%

Jane Mc Cartney & Abner’s Oberon First Level Reserve Champion
Successes for 2010

WPDA 2010 Champions from Coventry! |
Coventry's Champions for 2010
(not necessarily in the same order as in the photo)
Robyn Gallimore-Jones, Amanda Collier, Jane McCartney, Natalie Rocca, Rosie Amrhein,
Valerie Mahoney with instructor and owner of Coventry, Kristin Hermann.
View photos of riders, below, to see individual awards
Well done, all of you!

Mister Matthew (a thoroughbred off the track) and Adriana, having won at hunters
2'9" and 3 feet.
Way to go! Congratulations, you two!
Successes for 2009

... our WPDA winners for 2009, with their
instructor, (Kristin).
Some proud ladies, and they have a right
to be - and we are proud of them!
Success takes a lot of work and dedication!
View photos of riders, below, to see individual
Horses, their Riders and Results...

Arc Angel ridden by Rosie Amrhein |
Arc Angel and Rosie Amrhein
- WPDA Junior/Young Rider Reserve Champion, scored 64.01%

Kristin Free riding Order Me Ashot (Vodka)
- WPDA Intro Junior Young Rider - scored 66% -
Horse on Course Intro A Junior end of the year Champion - Horse On Course Intro B Junior end of the year Champion -
Horse On Course Dressage Classic end of the year Champion
- Kristin and Vodka won Grand Haven Farm's Quarter
Horse Tommy Boy Award - WPDA, USEF/USDF Junior Young Rider Champion for Intro, scored 62.5%

Robyn & Merlyn at a Coventry Schooling Show |
Robyn Gallimore-Jones riding FWF Prince Midnight Ride
2009 - WPDA Intro Adult Amateur Reserve Champion, scored 68.357%
2010 - WPDA Adult Amateur Training Level Reserve Champion, scored 66.19%

Jane & Abner's Oberon, Sept 2008 |
Jane McCartney riding Abner's Oberon ("Mini")
2008 - WPDA Training Level Adult Champion, scored 66.558% -
Horse on Course's Year End Highpoint for both Intro and Training Level
2009 - WPDA Training Level Adult Champion with, scored 66.558%
- WPDA First Level Reserve Champion, scored 62.80%
Our students don't just compete in Dressage shows. Now they
have branched out into Hunter shows, as well - and are being very successful!
Mingo Creek Stable Mountaineer Hunter
Jumper Association Show on Aug 30/09.

Taylor and the Mighty Maverick won Champion Long Stirrup Rider

Mister Matthew and
Adriana, won at Horse on Course MHJA October
18th, Intermediate Rider Hunter 2'6", and Champion of Horse on Course's Equitation

Photo of Adriana warming up Matty for a George Morris clinic at Morven Park in
Virginia, October 2009. For more about the clinic, go to Training Articles, by clicking on Adriana and Matty's picture.

Linnden & Natalie Rocco
- Jr. Training Level Champion, Horse on Course, Dressage Schooling Show July
- WPDA Sanctioned Show Reserve Champion at Training Level, Junior Young
Rider with a score of 64.293%
- WPDA Junior/Young Rider Division, Training Level Champion, scored 64.65%

Mister Matthew (Matty) & Kristin Free - Horse on Course, Dressage Schooling
Show, July 18-19/09 - Jr. Training Level Reserve Champion
2009 WPDA Sanctioned Show Champion at Training Level, Junior Young Rider with a score of 64.749%

EA Society Dame (Sadie) & Gwendolyn Wojewodka - Horse on Course, Dressage Schooling
Show, July 19-19/09 - Jr. Intro Reserve Champion
2009 WPDA Sanctioned Show, Champion Intro Junior Young
Rider with a score of 67.5%

Sambucca & Donna Labuda - Horse on Course, Dressage Schooling Show, July 18-19/09
- Adult Amateur Intro Champion
2009 WPDA Intro Adult Amateur Performance Award with a
score of 64.766%
We showed under Larry Buseck, a tough judge, and we went for this reason.
Our horses were beautiful & our average score was 60%. For Larry this is good!

Warming Up at 2008 WPDA's USEF Summer Sizzler Grand Haven Ohio |
WPDA's USEF Summer Sizzler Grand Haven Ohio Second Level Test 3 Ingrid
Albrecht and Sabastian's Magique Saber - 63%
Presenting our Champions for 2007
Some happy 2007 WPDA winners
at the banquet - Kristin's students of course!

SMP Sir Stripper, aka 'Bubba' |
2007 WPDA Adult Amateur Reserve Champion at First Level
SMP Sir Stripper, (aka 'Bubba') with Jerri Anesetti - 60.973%
(Alas, as of 2009, Bubba has retired from competing)

WPDA Sanctioned Open Division,
First Level
Ingrid and Sabastian's Magique Saber- 64.05%
WPDA Intro Adult Champion
Cindy Banks and City of Faith
with an averaged score of 65.167%

WPDA Intro Level Adult Amateur Reserve Champion
Dana Flaherty on Chinamint
with an averaged score of 60.50%

Dana and Chinamint at the Salute |
Here are our Champions for 2006

This picture shows how a few years of dressage work will enhance a horse! |
Jerri Anessetti and SMP Sir Stripper (Bubba)
- WPDA Sanctioned Amateur Division First
Level Reserve Champion, scored 60.973%
Valerie Mahoney and Bambi's Twilight
- WPDA Intro Junior Champion, scored 63.00%
- WPDA Junior Performance Certificate for Training Level, scored 63.74%
- WPDA Junior Champion First Level, scored 64%

WPDA Sanctioned Intro Level Adult Amateur Division
Jane McCartney and Arwern - score 64.923%

Val stretching Bambi's Twilight |
WPDA Sanctioned Intro Junior Division Champion
Valerie Mahoney and Bambi's Twilight - 63.077%
Presenting our Champions for 2004...
Once again, Coventry's dressage competitors rode well during the past competition
season. We have a new rider and horse combo in our group, Sarah and Spirit, who ended the year as WPDA Junior Reserve Champion
in both Walk-Trot and Training Level. Here's a "Well done!" to you all!
Watch out, ladies, Kristin has big plans for you next year!

Sarah and Spirit |
WPDA Walk-Trot Junior Champion
Brianne and Somerset - 67.130% WPDA Walk-Trot Junior Reserve Champion
Sarah and Spirit
WPDA Training Level Junior Champion
Brianne and Somerset - 68.260% WPDA Training
Level Junior Reserve Champion
Sarah and Spirit WPDA First Level Junior
Brianne and Arc Angel - 63.714% WPDA First Level
Adult Champion
Jerri and SMP Sir Striper (alias Bubba) - 61.666%
Coventry Equestrian Center cleans up at the
2003 WPDA Banquet,
and we aren't talking dishes!
Everyone probably knows by now about all the awards the Coventry riders won this year. We only thought we'd come home
with two awards and we were happy with that. But, when they kept announcing our names, people began looking at this joyous
table that was having so much fun. Here is our list of winners:

Jerri, Cheryl B., Anita and Cheryl at the banquet. |
Happy horse and rider... |
Anita giving Midnight a hug! |
WPDA Walk Trot Adult Champion
Anita and Midnight - 66.7%
WPDA Walk Trot Adult Reserve Champion
Cheryl and Babe - 66.094%
WPDA Training Level Jr/Young Rider Reserve Champion
Brianne and Arc - 66.390%
WPDA First Level Jr. Yr. Champion
Brianne and Arc - 64.316%
WPDA Training Level Adult Champion
Jerri and Bubba - 66.934%
WPDA First Level Adult Champion
Jerri and Bubba - 61.443%
WPDA Training Level Certificate of Achievement
Jessie and Gemini - 65.034%
To sum up 2002's competitive year, here are
Coventry's Western Pennsylvania
Dressage Association Champions... a drum roll please....Ta
WPDA Walk Trot
Junior Champion
Jessie Zagari and Alicia's Gemini, a Morgan gelding;
WPDA Walk Trot
Junior Reserve Champion
Brianne Almasy and Arc Angel, a Polish Arab gelding;
WPDA Training Level Junior Champion
Briane Almasy and Arc Angel;
WPDA Walk Trot Adult Champion
Jerri Corfont and SMP Sir Striper, a Quarter Horse gelding;
WPDA Training
Level Adult Reserve Champion
Jerri Corfont and SMP Sir Striper.
Meet our students...
Jerri and SMP Sir Striper ("Bubba"), a Quarter Horse.
2002 WPDA Adult Training Level Champion
2003 WPDA Adult Training Level and First Level Champion
2004 WPDA Adult First Level Champion 61.666%
2005 WPDA May Harlansburg Show First Level Champion
Bubba is showing off his Champion neck ribbon
after a successful seaon!
"Well done, Bubba and Jerri!"
2002 WPDA Walk Trot Junior Champion
Briane and Arc |
Polish Arabian Gelding |
2001 WPDA Walk Trot Junior Champion 61.319%
2002 WPDA Training Level Junior Champion
2002 WPDA Walk Trot Junior Reserve Champion
2002 Western Pennsylvania Fall Dressage Classic
USDF/USAEquestrian recognized show Walk
Trot WPDA Club Champion (average scores to come!) 2002 WPDA
Schooling Show at Coventry, Training Level, Test 2 - 70%
2002 WPDA Walk Trot Junior Champion, Sonador Equestrian Spring Show
2003 WPDA Training Level Jr/Young
Rider Reserve Champion - 66.390%
2004 WPDA First Level Jr. Yr. Champion
- 64.316%
2004 WPDA First Level Junior Champion
- 63.714%
Briane and Arc, July 2005 |
2005 Willows Spring Dressage Show, Fairview PA
Jr Young Rider First Level Champion,
2002 WPDA Training Level Adult Reserve Champion
2002 WPDA Walk Trot Adult Champion
2002 Western Pennsylvania Fall Dressage Classic
USDF/USAEquestrian Recognized show Training Level WPDA Club Champion
2001 WPDA Achievement Award First Level
2000 WPDA Achievement Award First Level
2000 WPDA Achievement Award Training Level
2000 WPDA Jr. USDF Walk Trot High Score Champion, at
Dressage at Harlansburg
Jenn and Stony |

...warming up for USDF/WPDA 2000/1999 show |
2000 WPDA Training Level Junior Reserve Champion
1999 WPDA Junior Training Level Champion
1999 WPDA Junior Walk Trot Reserve Champion
A student riding her own horse. |
1999 WPDA Training Level Reserve Champion
Sara and Somerset, Spring 2006 |
2006 1st place, First Level 1 59%
USEF show at The Willows Equestrian Center in Fairview PA
1st place, First Level 1 and Training 64%
2005 WPDA Crossroads Stable Dressage II, St. Clairsville Ohio
Training Level Test 3, High
Point Champion, 67.91%.
What a great way to start the season
Congratulations to both of you!
1998 WPDA Jr. Rider Champion Training Level 74.28%
1997 WPDA Junior Training Level Champion 69.65%
1997 WPDA Junior Walk Trot Champion 73.48%
1997 WPDA/AHSA Junior Walk Trot High Point Champion at
Dressage at Saxonburg
1997 WPDA Adult Champion Training Level
Other Champions Not Pictured:
1998 WPDA Adult Training Level Champion
1997 WPDA Adult Reserve Walk Trot Champion