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Communications between Homo Sapiens and Equus

by Kristin Hermann

Dressage & CT, September 1987

Extraordinary perception with our equines may not seem abnormal to the average horse owner, since we all share distinct, memorable moments with our mounts. But, to claim these special relations as extrasensory may cause many equestrians to reconsider. Nevertheless, there are different levels of communication, and some humans are more perceptive than others, as are horses.


The first step in becoming mentally attuned to communicate with your equine is to have an open attitude to be perceptive, to not limit mentally the horse to being merely a horse. Few books have been written on the subject of communicating with animals, but those published endorse one another. Kinship With All Life, by J. Allen Boone, Psychic Pets, by Joseph Wylder, and Touch Your Horse, by Tricia Douglas are three that describe well the human thought pattern. All maintain that a restructuring of values when considering the equine, or any animal, is paramount for broadening and enhancing communication.


Allen Boone says that he had to transcend habits of his intellect and break down his own ego to learn how to communicate openly from his mind to his pet/animals mind. This process took years to develop. It began with a heightened awareness of his animal's ability and then through continual observation of its body language. The animal only operates, as far as we know, from innate motivations; therefore, he respected those qualities. Perhaps these are qualities that humans have left by the wayside.


Training or educating an animal is an exercise of either developing and working with the animal's instinctual capabilities, or stifling them. Boone writes that rather than making an animal a slave, an educated trainer uses insight and intuition to help the animal make use of its thinking faculties. (Linda Tellington-Jones of T.E.A.M. suggests this, too) An event horse must be educated in order to defend its own life cross-country, as well as that of its rider. Similarly, a spectator can observe whether a dressage test is occurring automatically or being ridden from stride to stride. The former obviously has spark, energy; the latter is mundane, boring and dull.


Training the equine requires never speaking down to it as if its a lower life form. To do this is a direct insult to the animals presence. Boone suggests addressing the animal as a fellow expression of life: sense its "mental atmosphere", discover where it is "coming from". Many animal psychics report that from a horse's point of view one should treat the animal with continual love and respect.


There is a reason each horse behaves as it does - none is alike. Perhaps as a horse owner, you may wonder why you and your horse were brought together? Like dogs and dog owners, the equine and its guardian begin to look alike. Physically illustrating this is the reaction a stiff rider brings to his horse: its movement becomes stifled like that of its rider, compared to a relaxed rider moving fluently with his horse. But, Boone would ask (trying to transcend the physical level), how we are related to our pets as individual expressions of the life force in a highly intelligent universe.


Psychics believe life is an energy force which passes through physical forms to thoughts and feelings - which are also considered energy: life force. Tricia Douglas, a psychic from California who specializes in extrasensory perception with equines, explains this universal, nonverbal, and invisible relationship in her book Touch Your Horse. By always approaching your horse positively, that is, not talking down to it, Douglas says that you give your horse a positive charge of life's supporting energy (some consider this love). In this transaction, a bond is created

between the two that sparks the Divine Laws of eternal life. This divine spark is referred to by many as a God-presence. "Your horse is aware of this gift", Douglas continues, "and the two of you grow together from the splendid contact that is made. It is a blending of desires and goals between the two life forces." Douglas believes that man rarely respects his own spirit self, therefore it is difficult for man to relate to his horse spiritually.


Note the "aura" around Kristin...

Authorities on extraordinary perception with equines endorse the fact that man must be educated in order to more fully communicate with his "animal" partner. Boone says that the human animal "has difficulty in seeing and experiencing this real universe because of his defective inner vision and his disinclination to correct it." The value structure of what we considered goodness and usefulness, according to Boone, is one we must transcend, and learning from animals is one such step.


If one is willing to take that step beyond "the well worn path of accepted knowledge", writes Joseph Wylder, the sixth sense can be enlivened. "Your pet desires for you to understand him, just as your pet deeply desires to understand you", states Wylder.


Event rider, Kim Walnes, experienced a break in her extraordinary communications with her horse, The Gray Goose, and beckoned a psychic as a last resort. Her misunderstanding with The Gray Goose was resolved when the medium between horse and rider revealed the source of disruption in their relationship. The Gray Goose felt neglected and desired one hundred percent confidence from his partner. When this was discovered, the pair teamed up to compete again very successfully.


Developing deeper communication with your equine begins with a most obvious place - the eyes. These expressive organs are very telling to the equestrian who truly desires answers. As Wylder writes, "We have sacrificed many of our intuitive qualities as we have developed our logical minds." Are we losing our sense of oneness with nature by moving further into technological sophistication?


As horse owners, however, we can remain closer to nature. Just the fact that we do regularly communicate with a creature as majestic as the equine is the door for many of us. Ideally, we communicate with an unspoken language of aids; minimally, we must be receptive to the equine's physical presence. We do not just observe the horse's body language with our eyes, we straddle it.


Nevertheless, the beauty of riding can be considered more or less conventional. When considered from a broadened awareness such as Wylder experiences, "the connection between human and animals is a bedrock truth of our existence. Acceptance of this truth can well lead to our having a heightened sense of our reality, as well as giving us an opportunity to be reunited with aspects of our own nature..."


End Notes:

  1. Kinship with All Life, J. Allen Boone. New York, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. 1976
  2. Psychic Pets, Joseph Wylder, New York, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. 1979
  3. Touch Your Horse, Tricia Douglas with Becky Cunningham. This is a private printing by Ordinary Horse Center, P.O. Box 1184 Burns, OR 97720

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